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About Me

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Hi i m Sandra... I am a big crafter, i make cards, draw pictures, and experiment with different crafty medias. All day, everyday, you can find me doing some kind of art, whether its painting, shading, drawing, or even finding patterns in everyday objects:) I also love to dance. I dont really know what started me dancing, but I have continued on ever since then, and i find it a great way to express myself:)

Friday, July 21, 2006

Our trip to San Fransisco

First Day: We just drove to and checked out San Fransisco to see what we could do in the week
Second Day: We drove over the Golden Gate Bridge and then "heely"ed over part of the bridge, and got to touch it. After that, we drove to the explOratorium where there were illusions, mind tricks, and other cool things. Before we went back to the hotel, we went to Jennie's house (my mom's friend). The adults went off touring the house, but my sister (Jennifer) and I just stayed with Lady, their fluffy calico cat. Lady sat on my lap. After the adults were done, we went to eat at a Korean place with Jennie and her husband, Phillip. When the check came, we got the BEST gum in the world, which is melon flavored. When Jennifer and I were chewing gum I thought of a sister club for just Jennifer and I to be in. It was called the ding ding nose nose pat pat club.When we were playing some games for the new club, my dad gave us some wax, and we made our mascot, Fast Kitty,(like on Jenn's t-shirt) and we also made a rocket for her. IT WAS SOOOOOOOO MUCH FUN!!!!